Agile for digital delivery teams

3 days | In-person | £3150 (ex VAT)

Our Digital Delivery Teams course provides a practical guide to how to work together effectively to deliver value to users by working in an agile way.

Delegates will learn what it means to be agile and how to put into practice some of the most useful methods, tools and techniques that will help them to work in an agile way.

The course is designed to promote and encourage team working, and highlights the significant improvements that can be gained when the team focus not only on the delivery of the product or service but also on how they work together as a team.

We offer our standard public agile for digital delivery teams course, as a 3 day, in-person course.

We can also run this course privately for your organisation.  It requires a minimum of 6 delegates, with a maximum of 12.

Who's it for?

Our Digital Delivery Teams course is ideal for individuals who work as part of a digital delivery team and is especially suited to full digital delivery teams that are working on delivering digital services.

It's suitable for new or existing teams - in fact we find that teams that attend this course deliver value very quickly and efficiently because the whole team shares the same learning experience, so they have a common understanding of their respective roles and how they all need to work together as a team.

Why should I attend?

A big part of being agile is understanding what value means and a focus on delivering as much value as possible.  After years of working with and as part of agile teams and delivering agile training to thousands of delegates, we've put together this course that we believe provides the most important things that agile teams need to know about and the tools and techniques that are most useful.

It will help individuals understand their role within a digital delivery team.  It will help digital delivery teams gain a real insight into how they need to work together as a team to deliver real value to users of their service, while working efficiently, continuously improving their ways of working and increasing value to users.